Choppy Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Choppy in Hindi?

Meaning of  Choppy in Hindi is : तड़का हुआ

Definition of word Choppy

  • (of a sea or river) having many small waves.

Other Meanings of Choppy


    तड़का हुआ choppy chappy sprung
    चटका हुआ choppy chappy chopping
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    समुद्र, जिसमें जोर की लहरें उठ रही हों choppy
    दरारों से भरा हुआ choppy

Antonyms for Choppy

Example Sentences

Added to that, there's not much in the way of waves, either, which is just as well, as the last thing you need when you're trying to balance on a narrow board is a choppy sea.