Dorian Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Dorian in Hindi?

Meaning of  Dorian in Hindi is : डोरियन

Definition of word Dorian

  • of or relating to the Dorian people or to Doris in central Greece.
  • a member of a Hellenic people speaking the Doric dialect of Greek, thought to have entered Greece from the north circa 1100 bc . They settled in Peloponnesus and later colonized Sicily and southern Italy.

Other Meanings of Dorian

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    डोरियन dorian
    प्राचीन यूनान के जिला डोरिस का (निवासी) dorian
    प्राचीन यूनानियों के तीन विभागों में से एक का (सदस्‍य) dorian

    देहाती rustic pastoral rural doric village dorian
    यूनानी नगर डोरिस doric dorian
    यूवानी नगर के निवासी का doric dorian

Example Sentences

But Pindar and others also assign the foundation of the games to Herakles, as noted above, an attempt, some have suggested, to assert a clearly Dorian claim to the foundation of the games, since Herakles is a Dorian hero.