Globulin Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Globulin in Hindi?

Meaning of  Globulin in Hindi is : ग्लोब्युलिन

Definition of word Globulin

  • any of a group of simple proteins soluble in salt solutions and forming a large fraction of blood serum protein. The three principal subsets of globulin are alpha globulin , beta globulin , and gamma globulin , which are distinguished by their respective degrees of electrophoretic mobility (alpha having the greatest and gamma having the least).

Other Meanings of Globulin

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    ग्लोब्युलिन globulin
    एक रक्तलालीय विशेष पदार्थ, जो रक्‍त में पाया जाता है globulin

Example Sentences

Normal urinary proteins include albumin, serum globulins , and proteins secreted by the nephron.