Prakrit Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Prakrit in Hindi?

Meaning of  Prakrit in Hindi is : प्राकृत

Definition of word Prakrit

  • any of the ancient or medieval vernacular dialects of northern and central India that existed alongside or were derived from Sanskrit.

Other Meanings of Prakrit

  • NOUN

    प्राकृत भाषा prakrit dialect
    प्राकृत prakrit
  • MORE

    उत्तर और मध्‍य भारत की भाषा जिसका विकास संस्‍कृत के साथ-साथ लोक-भाषा के रूप में हुआ prakrit

Example Sentences

Selected from old Tamil, Prakrit and Sanskrit, the most ancient literary languages of India, this anthology contains 188 poems, many of which we won't even chance upon if our pursuit in poetry isn't for some specific antiquity.