Shieling Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Shieling in Hindi?

Meaning of  Shieling in Hindi is : पर्वतीय चरागाह

Definition of word Shieling

  • a roughly constructed hut used while pasturing animals.

Other Meanings of Shieling

  • NOUN

    पर्वतीय चरागाह shieling
    पहाड़ी चरनी shieling
  • MORE

    भेड़ों का बाड़ा sheep pen sheppy shiel shieling sheep-fold
    गड़रियों या खिलाड़ियों के लिए बनी बेढंगी झोंपड़ी shiel shieling
    चरागाह grazing ground shieling

Example Sentences

There they lived in settlements of temporary huts called in Ireland booleys (Irish ‘buaile’, ‘cattle-pound’) and in Scotland ‘ shielings ’, where they made butter and cheese and other dairy products such as ‘bonnyclabber’ or soured milk.