Unionist Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Unionist in Hindi?

Meaning of  Unionist in Hindi is : संघवादी

Definition of word Unionist

  • a member of a labor union.
  • a person who opposed secession during the Civil War.

Other Meanings of Unionist

  • MORE

    संघी unionist
    श्रमिक संघ का सदस्य unionist
    श्रमिक संघ का समर्थक unionist
  • NOUN

    संघवादी unionist
    मेल का प्रचार करनेवाला unionist

Example Sentences

Firstly, as a unionist and a member of a progressive union, I fully support redeployment, but you need to consider the time factor when you deal with it.